Arkistot päivämäärän mukaan: 8.9.2024

Porvoon näyttely

Porvoon näyttelyyn oli ilmoitettu 10 lk chihua ja 18 pk chihua. Meidän tytöt esiintyivät ensimmäistä kertaa junnuluokassa. Tuomarina belgialainen Myriam Vermeire. Kauttaaltaan kuulin pöydällä olossa “should be.. ja good” arvasin jo siinä vaiheessa että ei tykännyt meidän likoista. No, näillä mentiin 😅 

Lyytin arvostelu
9 months. Good bite. Young female which needs to develop overall. Muzzle should be a bit more filled up. Good skull. Dark eyes but should be larger. Ears well placed. Good topline. Tail well set. Good depth of chest but needst to develop in front. Elbows and front feet slightly turned out. Well angulated front and rear. Good movement in rear, but still very loose in front. Topline could stay more straight during movement.

Leenan arvostelu
9 months. Good bite. Compact female that needs to develop more overall. Muzzle could be a bit more filled up. Rounded skull. Dark eyes but could be a bit bigger. Ears well placed, Good neck and topline. Tail well set. Already well developed in front for the age. Good depth of chest. Well angulated. Good bone. Small feet slightly turned out. Good coat. Moves narrow in rear, still a bit loose in front. Good tail carriage. Good topline.

Leena pöydällä – kuva JH Photography